★★★★★ Saturday, March 8th 2025 ... 9:30 pm EST

KBT3Over the past decade, the real estate market has endured wild fluctuations in pricing and availability. Most people are aware of these changes. What many people, sadly including many real estate professionals, don't realize is that the best way to approach the market has also undergone a transformation during this period. Methods of looking for homes to buy have changed, as have the most effective sales and advertising techniques.

I've been a licensed real estate broker (since 2003) and I constantly study the market. I keep up with the latest trends as well as the tried and true, and carefully analyze patterns to see which techniques produce the best results. In addition, I look at which approaches appear to be getting more effective over time and which less so. And because each area is a little different, I pay particular attention to what works in the individual markets I serve.

I ensure that I'm providing my clients with the most effective service and the best possible results by continually refining my methods to adapt to the changing market . To learn more about the cutting-edge real estate services I offer, please browse this website and consider filling out the contact form on this page.

Each of my clients receives my dedicated commitment to producing results. It is my responsibility to obtain the best possible outcome, and that is exactly what I will deliver on your behalf.

I will provide you with a clear explanation of all your options-options based on research and steadfast follow-through. We will discuss these options regularly and your input, along with my experience, will lead us to a successful and rewarding result.

REALTORI'm a real estate professional who knows how to harness the power of the Internet, social media, video, email, and text messages to provide exceptional service and results. The days when it was enough to stick a sign on the front lawn, run a few newspaper ads, and list the home in the local MLS are long gone.

Today, over 85% of home searches begin online, making the development and skilled implementation of an effective Internet marketing strategy an absolute imperative. I will showcase your property on multiple search engine optimized Web sites and use ads, blogs, RSS feeds, video, social media, and email blasts to promote your home to prospective buyers and their agents. My print advertising and marketing material also feature a Web address, allowing home shoppers to access additional information, photographs, and virtual tours of your property in a matter of minutes.

But sellers aren't the only ones who benefit from my technology embracing approach to real estate transactions. If you're looking to buy a home, I will help you evaluate your needs and create a customized search targeting homes meeting your specific requirements. I'll keep you updated via email or text message, so you'll know immediately when a home matching your search criteria becomes available. Moreover, I am always accessible via phone, text, and email to advise you and answer your questions.

Life is all about choices, and making the best choices often means soliciting the assistance of a professional who can educate and guide us down the right path.

This is particularly true when it comes to real estate transactions, which have become much more complicated than in years past when a handshake and a gentlemen's agreement were enough to make a sale.

EIP GKC logoDon't get stuck with an agent who's stuck in the past. If you are considering buying or selling a home, give me a call at the the phone numbers shown or contact me by filling out the contact form on this page, and put an innovative trailblazer to work for you!

I know that the successful achievement of your real estate objectives will be equally dependent upon your input and my years of experience. Rest assured, I do not believe in the all too common practice of agents making decisions for clients without considering the clients' wishes.

It's really quite simple: Your satisfaction is my priority. Even if it means more work or less money for me, I will go the extra mile to guarantee a successful outcome and a happy client. That's because your opinion of me and word-of-mouth advertising is far more important than the commission I earn on any single transaction.

As your REALTOR®/AGENT/BROKER you have my guarantee that I:premier agent

  • Will go the extra mile to help you reach your objectives
  • Will be uncompromising in pursuing your best options
  • Will be available through the entire process and beyond
  • Will produce results in a timely, organized, efficient manner
  • Will keep you advised at every turn

To learn more about my client-centered approach to real estate transactions, please browse this website and call me directly to discuss your needs and explore how I can be of service to you; or  fill out one of the contact forms with your information to get started.

I look forward to hearing from you!

7 day realty logo Equal HousingWith a sincere desire to be of service,

Kamran Tehrani
Principal Broker
7 Day Realty

 Thank you for your time and attention.

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