★★★★★ Saturday, March 8th 2025 ... 9:27 pm EST

FREE list of recently sold and currently listed homes near your property

Do you want to find out what the house down the street sold for as well as other homes recently sold near your property? How about the asking price of currently available homes? Also as importantly, the asking price of home listings that did not result in a successful sale?

Knowing this information and the resulting actions will greatly help you in deciding how to price you own home so it will sell fast without leaving any money on the table.

To receive a detailed list of these homes and their asking or sold prices please fill out the form on this page designed for that purpose. We will set up your own online listing portal with detailed information on the properties in your specific area based upon the address you give us. This personal portal designed for you will be continually updated for you and any changes will be highlighted for you each time you visit it.

We will send you a link to your own specific portal by email usually within one business day, and often faster.



What's Your Home Worth?

Get ACCURATE report on the current value of your home.
Your ACCURATE home value report will be promptly prepared by 7 Day Realty and sent to your email address within 24 hours. Please provide your cellphone number in case we have any questions about the property.


Your privacy is important. We do not sell or share your information to others.

101 Seller TipsHome Value Sold Home Sold Guarantee

What's Your Home Worth?


   What's Your Home Worth?
Get ACCURATE report on the current value of your home.



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Enter your property address and email address, and we'll do the rest.

  Your ACCURATE home value report will be prepared by 7 Day Realty and sent to your email address. Please provide your cellphone number in case we have any questions about the property.

Your privacy is important. We do not sell or share your information to others.